24 Dec

The Mississippi Future Caucus (MFC) is hosting a summit for college-age voters to talk about the voting process: what worked, what didn’t and how to improve college students’ access to voting. The GENSummit on College Voting will be held at the Mississippi State Capitol on Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 9 am to 4 pm.
“Our hopes for this summit are two-fold. We want to provide an opportunity for our college students who participated or tried to participate in our election process to share their experiences, grievances, and ideas about the process. We plan to make the summit a bi-annual event so that we can continue to stay engaged with young voters and keep them engaged in the political process” explains Rep. Jeramey Anderson of Moss Point “We are very excited about bringing the next generation of leaders to our Capitol to discuss ways for them to make an impact. I firmly believe that if we give millennials a stronger voice in the direction of our state, they will be more likely to stay here, work here, and raise their families here”, said Rep. Roun McNeal of Leakesville.
The Mississippi Future Caucus and the GENSummit is supported by the Millennial Action Project. The caucus is a bipartisan group of state legislators under age 40. Their goal is to work together to develop legislation and to break partisan stalemates on issues that affect every day Mississippians. They hope the summit will draw students from different political affiliations and backgrounds in order to gain a diverse understanding of the voting process in college.
Registration is free but is limited to the first 100 students who register. Lunch will be provided. Register now at www.jerameyanderson.com under the GENSummit tab. If you have any questions, please reach out to Representative Anderson’s office at 228.206.2129.
Members of the Mississippi Future Caucus
● Rep. Jeramey Anderson (D) - Co-Chair
● Rep. Roun McNeal (R) - Co-Chair
● Rep. Shane Barnett (R) - Secretary
Rep. Joel Bomgar, Rep. Jarvis Dortch, Rep. Robert Foster, Rep. Lataisha Jackson, Rep. Chris Johnson, Rep. Trey
Lamar, Rep. Orlando Paden, Rep. Noah Sanford, Sen. Jenifer Branning, Sen. Neil Whaley

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