The newly formed Mississippi Civil Justice Alliance (MCJA) will act as a watchdog for fairness and stability in the Mississippi judiciary. The MCJA is a statewide, nonpartisan alliance of organizations and individuals representing businesses, professional and trade associations, health care providers, nonprofit entities, taxpayers and other perspectives. The Alliance is affiliated with the Business and Industry Political Education Committee (BIPEC).
“The MCJA was formed to bring attention to judicial decisions that are back-tracking on the gains from tort reform,” commented Derek Easley, President and CEO of BIPEC. “Legal reform has been a significant factor in business expansion and economic growth in Mississippi. The MCJA recognizes that adverse court decisions can undermine or reverse hard-won legislative successes, and we stand ready to highlight rulings that both restrain liability or expand liability.”
“Mississippi leaders need to be aware of how the judiciary impacts business and jobs in Mississippi,” continued Easley. “The MCJA is working to protect the economic gains for all Mississippians as a result of maintaining equity and balance in our legal system.”
The Mississippi Civil Justice Alliance (MCJA) is committed to protecting Mississippi’s tort reform laws, promoting additional reforms for a healthier legal climate, and monitoring the rulings and opinions of our trial court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court and the U. S. Supreme Court. The MCJA will also monitor and educate Mississippians regarding litigation filed and opinions given by the state’s chief legal officer, the Attorney General.
The alliance closely monitors litigation trends in Mississippi courts, participates actively as amicus in important appellate matters at the state level and comments extensively on proposed rules of civil procedure and evidence.
Additionally, the MCJA provides administrative and logistical support for coordinated efforts by business, trade, and professional associations on issues of common interest. If an issue relates to an essential legal policy matter that affects the Mississippi business community, the alliance will act as the voice for the business community’s response
For more information about the Mississippi Civil Justice Alliance (MCJA), visit visit or call (601) 259-7689.