By Susie A. Wolfe
If you had no track at Pisgah High, how did you become interested in track? Do they have one now?
I became interested in track because our high school basketball coach made it mandatory for the entire team to run track in order to play basketball.
No, they still don’t have a track. (They practiced on the football field, in front of school, and sometimes at Northwest Rankin HS. Her coach was Angela Reynolds, who is no longer at Pisgah)
Who were your mentors in getting and staying with the sport?
I consider my family as mentors, they supported me from the start. In staying with the sport, my father, sister and coach have been very important in continuously encouraging me.
What is your best memory of high school? Of college at USM?
High school –winning basketball championships after we played the #1 team and beat them; my entire family was there and we were taking photos, etc.
College –Graduating!
What do you miss most about home / Mississippi?
The people
Where are you living now and describe your life…travel, track meets, how often back home?
I live in Winter Garden, Florida. From April to August, its weekends of track meets around the world; then I head back to Mississippi from August to November to visit and spend time with family; then return to Florida to train again until the April season starts.
What was most memorable for you at the Rio Olympics?
Getting a bronze medal in the 200m when I felt like I was already exhausted.
You just ran your best time ever. How many more Olympics do you want to participate in?
At least one more, 2020
What are your near-future plans, and for the future after Olympics/track? Move to Mississippi?
Don’t have any set plans yet, but I look forward to getting married, starting a family and simplifying things. Enjoying the small things in life. I don’t have plans to move back to Mississippi, but it will always be “home” and where family is.