20 Mar

Supererogation: noun/ su·per·er·o·ga·tion /sü-pər-ˌer-ə-ˈgā-shən: the act of performing more than is required by duty, obligation, or need. Mississippi Blood Services (MBS) knows that what we do day in and day out helps save lives; however, we cannot do this without the help of some pretty amazing people, our volunteer blood donors and the groups who sponsor blood drives. While every donor and every blood drive committee is vital to our continuing efforts, there are those who stand out, to whom “supererogation” applies. On Thursday, January 26, Mississippi Blood Services was privileged to honor those individuals and organizations.

Saving a life is something to celebrate, but the MBS 2016 Manufacturing Group of the Year doesn’t just celebrate, they cook up a good time, too! When they host a blood drive, they fire up the grill and provide donors with a cookout including burgers and all the trimmings. They also have a drawing with a flat-screen TV as the prize to be taken home by one lucky donor! Not satisfied with doing this once a year, in 2016 they doubled their efforts holding two blood drives with two parties! They may be better known for baking bread, but they are true life-savers, collecting 103 units in 2016.

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